Online course

Advanced Social Development

This course was created in partnership with
Course Information

Course information

Next start date
Enrollment closes
Course frequency
Every week
Time committment
Optional extra
GVI Program Abroad

Book before the end of February 2025 and receive up to a zar1700 scholarship

*Flexible payment options available
This course was created in partnership with
Course introduction

If you feel that community empowerment should be an important consideration in economic decisions and believe in the concept of conscious capitalism, then this is the program for you. In this program, you’ll discuss the benefits of having local knowledge and community buy-in, and how these can be major factors in achieving developmental goals.

Join our Advanced Social Development program to learn more about the process of measuring impact and how this is a fundamental step in contributing to initiatives such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). This program will provide you with advanced knowledge in the fields of human rights, global health and community development, as you learn how to contribute to real-world impact projects.

Is this program for me?

This online program is designed for anyone looking to gain a more in-depth knowledge of advanced social development or to start up their own social enterprise. It’s for those who wish to understand all the different aspects that contribute to successful impact projects. Everyone from working professionals to high schoolers, college students and graduates will benefit from the insights being shared.

Skills you’ll acquire

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

Earn your certification
Certification signature

Want to show colleges, universities and employers that you’ve got the knowledge and skills covered in this course? Once you’ve successfully completed any of our courses, we’ll send you a digital certificate of completion at no additional cost. The certificate will feature the official name of the course and your name. Add the certificate to your college application, your graduate school application, your job application or your LinkedIn page.

This program includes our Human Rights and Global Health courses. In the Human Rights course, you’ll first learn about the 30 universal human rights and how local factors affect implementation. You’ll discuss the rights of specific groups and current human rights debates. In the Global Health course, you’ll learn about past and current global health issues and possible innovations. You’ll also discuss universal health coverage and how power and politics influence public health policy.

Another fundamental part of this program is our Commu